
莫哈维族县 Juvenile Detention Center

The 莫哈维族县 Juvenile Detention Center is a 32-bed facility. 这里有10岁到18岁之间的雄性和雌性幼崽. 拘留未成年人的决定是由未成年感化官做出的.


Each housing unit or “wing” is set up as follows:
两翼包括一个大的休息室,用于团体活动,如教堂服务(提供), but not required), 对年长的男性和女性的性教育在不同的时间举行,从来没有一起举行过.

白天的房间也是青少年在晚上获得自由时间的地方. During this time juveniles may read, 写信, 打牌, converse with other juveniles on appropriate topics or watch television.

Television is a privilege and only allowed during non-programming times. Programs are age-appropriate and approved by the supervisor. Each wing has two bathrooms one on each level. The bathroom includes a toilet, sink, and shower stall. 此外,每个厢房有两个房间,配有厕所和水槽. All movements of the juveniles
are supervised by detention officers. 未成年人必须要求离开座位、喝水或使用洗手间等.

While in the Juvenile Detention Center

青少年每天有30分钟的户外或庭院时间(天气允许)和30分钟的翅膀运动时间. Both activities are directly supervised by detention officers. 所有少年都必须参加,除非他们有医务人员出具的书面弃权书.

The detention center uses a behavior modification system. 当他们在下午5点30分之后到达时,他们在第二天早上6点开始进入第一级. 所有的青少年通过表现出良好的行为并被拘留特定的天数来通过等级系统. The progression is as follows:

  • Level I to Level II is two days
  • Level II to Level III is four days
  • Level III to Level IV is four days

每个级别都有更多的特权,包括增加的自由时间, additional 10 minute collect phone calls each week, and later bedtimes. They start the lower level over again the following day at 6:00 am. 如果行为严重,将报告给青少年缓刑监督官. It may include the Juvenile Court issuing additional consequences.


未成年人被羁押在少年看守所,享有一定的权利. These rights are as follows:


  • Receiving proper shelter, food, and clothing
  • 信奉公认的宗教并接受宗教领袖的指导
  • Receiving proper medical care
  • Talking with their attorney
  • Receiving exercise and recreation
  •  Having a visit from a parent or guardian
  • 每周打一个电话给家长或监护人在放学后或周末在非
  • programming times
  • 发送和接收由感化官批准的信件,这些信件可能会发送给父母和法律人员
  • 监护人.
  • Filing a grievance if they believe they are not being treated fairly.

根据青少年的表现,每周允许他们来一次或两次. 探视必须提前预约,请致电(928)753-0740 ext 4050. 探访日为星期六及星期日下午十二时至十二时三十分及星期一下午六时至六时三十分. Each visitation is 30 minutes in length. All visits must be approved by the juvenile’s probation officer.

Education Center and Opportunity School

students are successfully transitioned back into the community. 机会学校为被金曼联合学区开除或长期休学的未被拘留的青少年提供获得学分的“机会”.

Find out more about:

Gloria Dusek Compass School

Opportunity School

Special Education Policies and Procedures

GED Testing Center

莫哈韦县少年拘留中心于2008年4月获得亚利桑那州教育部的认证,成为官方的GED考试中心. 像这样, 拘留中心每个月为所有有资格参加考试的青少年提供GED考试. Adjudicated youth, 在看守所和缓刑假释官的指导下, are eligible to take the GED tests even if enrolled in school, when so ordered by the court. These youth must be at least 16 years of age.


金曼 . 809 E. 比尔圣. 86402 . (928)753-0741

哈瓦苏湖城 . 2001 College Drive # 129. 86404 . (928)453-0707

顽固的人城市 . 967年汉考克. 25套. 86442 .(928)758-0738

亚利桑那州的地带 . St. George Ut, 84790. 352 E. 河滨分校博士., Suite B2 (928)279-0329

Hope Garden (Secure Substance Abuse Treatment)

希望花园是一个为期10周的项目,设在少年拘留所内. The mission of Hope Garden is to provide trauma informed, 基于证据的, substance abuse treatment to probation youth in our community. 希望花园通过提供结构化的护理和使用整体方法教授基本技能来促进全方位的变化,从而建立有弹性的家庭.

希望花园提供了一个独特的机会,让青少年留在我们的国家,同时仍然为他们自己和他们的家人接受密集的药物滥用服务. Hope Garden youth are detained throughout the program, offering a structured setting for their treatment. 希望花园的青少年在白天参加Gloria Dusek指南针学校,并在下午和晚上参加节目. Family participation is a crucial element of Hope Garden, 家庭每周至少有8小时的时间参与咨询活动. 

*Insert Hope Garden Brochure

Project AIM (Evening Reporting Center)

AIM项目是一个晚间报道项目,在改造后的拘留中心前部进行. AIM计划旨在让未被羁留的缓刑青少年参与教育及亲社会活动. AIM项目与当地机构合作,提供教育和技能培训小组,并为孩子们提供就业准备和知识. 被分配参加AIM项目课程的青少年将被提供往返于编程的6686皇冠最新登陆工具,并在那里享用晚餐. 在创建这个项目时,减少阻碍青年参与的障碍非常重要,并且仍然是规划的中心焦点. AIM计划已经调整了他们的时间表,以适应目前缓刑青少年的需要,并根据需要安排课程. Family classes are also offered through Project AIM.  

Additional Resources

PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) Policy



PREA Data Collection

PREA Audit Final Report Mohave

PREA Statistics 2020 on


Data Collection and Review for Collective Action

Rules and Interventions

Protection From Harm Policy

Special Education Policy and Procedures

Project AIM Brochure

Project AIM Vision Statement

Project AIM Calendar

Physical Layout of Detention

While in a Juvenile Detention Facility

权利 of a Juvenile

When a Juvenile is Detained



Survey of Sexual Victimization Reports

Survey of Sexual Victimization Report, 2016

Survey of Sexual Victimization Report, 2020

Survey of Sexual Victimization Report, 2021

Survey of Sexual Victimization Report, 2022

Survey of Sexual Victimization Report, 2023