
少年追偿法庭 is a strengths-based coordinated approach to the treatment of juveniles between ages 14-17 who have histories of moderate to severe substance use/abuse. 少年追偿法庭s are built upon a unique partnership between the juvenile justice system and the Recovery treatment community. 

The overall goal of 少年追偿法庭 is to help the juveniles develop new thought and behavior processes that reinforce acceptable behavior. 由此产生的结果应该是减少药物的使用, 物质复发, 以及犯罪风险/需求因素, along with the implementation of pro-social changes within the family system and the juvenile's natural environment. 次要目标是改善学校表现和家庭功能. 毕业要求有四个阶段的参与. 

The length of the 少年追偿法庭 Program varies depending on a juvenile's compliance with the requirements of each phase; with an average duration of approximately 30 to 60 weeks, 包括善后护理. Each phase consists of substance abuse treatment and psychoeducation/skill development provided by contract providers. 其他元素包括尿液分析测试, enrollment in an educational program or school and actively seeking employment for age-appropriate youth.


  • Reduce recidivism amongst adjudicated youth by focusing on positive choices and life without substances.

  • Increase the educational performance of youthful drug justice-involved individuals by utilizing existing or supplemental educational 资源.
  • 保持一个可行的, specialized program within the juvenile justice community consisting of multi-disciplinary options. 
  • 通过增加获得支助服务的机会来加强家庭能力 & 资源.
  • 增加家庭和社区接触药物滥用预防.


  • The juvenile must be an adjudicated delinquent or have an adjudication pending with a delinquency risk of medium or high risk. 
  • The juvenile must be between the ages of fourteen (14) through seventeen (17) who have histories of moderate to severe substance use/abuse. 
  • The juvenile shall have no current or past arrests/convictions of violent offenses as defined in ARS 13-901.与性有关的犯罪. 
  • 少年承认或被发现使用酒精或其他药物, 和/或有逮捕记录记录的使用史, 缓刑, 或对ADJC的承诺. 
  • The juvenile and parents (or guardian) must be willing participants and engage in treatment services as directed by the courts, 并签署一份关于治疗信息的声明. 
  • 少年和家庭必须服从, 和完整的, 初步筛选并同意所有项目要求. 
  • The juvenile has the cognitive ability to process the information in 少年追偿法庭 as determined in a psychological evaluation. 


莫哈维县的使命 青少年健康法庭 是协助青少年及其家庭通过全面的健康, 协作和基于力量的行为健康方法.

青少年健康和福利法庭(JHAWC)是一个早期干预, strengths-based approach to provide judicial supervision and treatment accountability to juveniles between the ages of 14-18 with a diagnosed mental health condition.  The goal of our health and wellness court is to assist juveniles in finding and attending community-based services to stabilize and maintain sound mental health to reinforce acceptable behaviors within the community among our youth.  妥善处理他们的心理健康需要, the JHAWC works in collaboration with the juvenile justice system and mental health professionals. JHAWC requires juveniles to participate in 4 phases with an average total length of 9-12 months.  The actual length of the program varies depending on the juvenile’s compliance with each phase. 每个阶段将包括由合同提供者提供的基于社区的治疗和服务.  此外,JHAWC的参与者将接受更多的缓刑监督.  Attendance in mental health court will be bi-weekly for Phases I-III and monthly for Phase IV.


  • Reduce recidivism among adjudicated youth by focusing on therapeutic goals and treatment compliance.
  • 增加对治疗服务的参与,包括遵守药物要求
  • 利用和提高社区资源的有效利用.
  • Increase the productivity and educational performance of youth with mental health disorders by utilizing existing or supplemental educational 资源.
  • 通过增加与家庭的接触来加强家庭能力, 治疗和支持服务及资源.

要了解更多关于JHAWC的信息,请联系青少年治疗主管Emily Snay (928) 753-0741 ext. 4639.


旷课法院  is a specialty court and a diversion program that was piloted in Bullhead City during the 2018 school year. This ran from 2018-2020 with a short hiatus due to COVID-19 before getting back up in running in 2021 while also initiating the Kingman 旷课法院. The goal of the program is to reduce truancy (which is defined by Arizona Revised Statute ARS 15-803 as five or more unexcused absences) in elementary, middle, 以及莫哈韦县学校的高中. This program was originally piloted for 莫哈维族县 in Bullhead City by the guidance and direction of Honorable Rick Williams. 而目前的项目存在于牛头市和金曼, 莫哈维山谷和哈瓦苏湖也有未来的计划.

在从19日开始接受推荐的试用期试点中, 2018, there were a total of 18 who participated in 旷课法院 with 17 successful and 1 unsuccessful from 5 different schools.

The goal is to not only address students who currently have truancy issues but for the rest of their education as well. Juveniles who are successful will be attending school on a regular basis and diverted from having a delinquency record or engaging in delinquent or criminal activity in the future. While in the program the participants are given certain incentives like gifts and goodies where they can choose from the gift box and sanctions like workbooks, 论文, 以及他们在学习过程中的其他选择.

Many factors contribute to truancy which is one key risk factor for future delinquent or criminal behavior. 法院与许多机构和团队成员一起为这个项目工作:市法院, 6686皇冠最新登陆, 亚利桑那州青年伙伴关系, 当地治疗和咨询机构, 当地学区, 当地执法机构, 和莫哈维县少年犯.

在这个项目成功的基础上, the court works with our partners to give every student the support and services necessary to be successful in school. 通过奖励和制裁计划, 法院解决了学生及其家庭对教育成功的需求.

旷课法院 is held twice a month in Bullhead City on Fridays and the first Thursday of each month in Kingman.

For more information about 少年专门法庭, please contact Emily Snay, DPO Senior at (928) 753-0741 ext. 4639.